World Textile Information Network Ltd ("WTiN" or "We", "us"), respect your privacy and we are committed to protecting your privacy through our compliance with this policy.

World Textile Information Network (WTiN) is committed to safeguarding the privacy of all our products.

This privacy policy is designed to tell you about how we collect and use information so that you can make an informed choice about using any WTiN Products. This policy may be supplemented by additional terms disclosed to you in connection with the Product.

What information do we collect?

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) collection

  1. We collect PII from you during your contact with WTiN. That includes information you provide to us.
  2. Information relating to any transactions carried out between you and us on or in relation to our Products including information relating to any purchases you make of our Products, such as whether you opt to make use of our free and/or promotional Products. However, we do not retain your credit or debit card information.
  3. Once you have registered or otherwise interacted with us, we create a customer record profile at our end. We keep your profile up to date by adding information about your registrations or subscriptions, the WTiN events you attend, the content you access, how you interact with our offerings, and the like. To offer you a more consistent and personalised experience in your interactions with us, information collected through one of WTiN products may be combined with information obtained through other WTiN products.
  4. We also may receive information about you from external sources, such as LinkedIn, Xing, ZoomInfo, Crunchbase and other data partners, that are not affiliated with WTiN and add that to the information you have provided to us. For example, we may expand our data set by acquiring names and contact details from our data partner that compiles contact information on our behalf. This information might be public information or data you provided to others with authorisation to share it with third parties.
  5. User Profiles and Submissions: Certain user profile information, including your name, job profile, location and any content or personal data that you voluntarily disclose such as photo, social media account links, email address, etc. that you have uploaded to the Products, may be displayed to other users to facilitate user interaction within the Products (during WTiN virtual or hybrid events) or address your request for our Products. Your username may also be displayed to other users if you send messages, comments, upload images or videos through the Products, and other users can contact you through messages and comments.

Automatic information collection

  1. On our websites, we use cookies (small data files stored on your computer by your web browser upon visiting a website), web beacons, web analytics and similar technologies to operate our Products efficiently and as intended.
  2. Through these technologies we gather information about you, such as your browser type, operating system, IP address, and navigation history.
  3. We may also use these technologies to gather information about your interactions with our Products, such as the time and date when you viewed or used a page or item of content or functionality, which advertisements, or sponsored content you have viewed or clicked on and whether you filled out an online form.
  4. When you receive newsletters or promotional emails from WTiN, we use customised links or similar technologies to determine whether the email has been opened and which links you click in order to provide you more focused email communications or other information.

We use information gathered through these tools to gather broad information about our audiences and their geographic locations, and to otherwise improve the Products. By allowing us to understand how you use our Products, these tools can help us provide you with a better, more relevant online experience.

We reserve the right to use new technologies, as they become available, to gather additional, relevant information from our users and improve our Products and your experience of them.

Use of Personal Data

  1. The Personal Data we collect is used to provide you with the Product that you have requested or to respond to an enquiry that you have made.
  2. Improve your browsing experience by personalising the website;
  3. Send you content, materials and/or other products via the website;
  4. Send statements and invoices to you, and enable our payment partner to collect payments from you;
  5. Send you general communications about the Product provided to you by WTiN at that time (such as administration and/or service emails);
  6. Send you email notifications which you have specifically requested;
  7. We use certain third-party service providers to assist us in providing these services to you, for example, email newsletters, lead capturing forms, event management software and webinars.
  8. The Personal Data we acquire might be used for third-party marketing purposes.
  9. Sponsors and partners: We may share your personal data with sponsors of WTiN events or content.
  10. The information collected from website and/or WTiN event participation could be stored for as long as is required for the uses stated above.

Other Users and Third Parties You Share Information With

Certain features allow you to display or share information with other users or third parties. For example, you may share GenerativeWTiN conversations with other users via shared links or send information to third-party applications via custom actions. Be sure you trust any user or third party with whom you share information.

Right to Opt-out

Please note that WTiN has a number of product offerings, and we allow you to opt out selectively. If you wish to remove your email address from a specific list, please use the 'email preferences' link provided in the email you have (in the footer). Alternatively, you can let us know by sending an email to Website registered users or subscribers can edit their newsletter preferences by visiting the 'My WTiN' section on the site.

Website registered users or subscribers can edit their newsletter preferences by visiting the 'My WTiN' section on the site.

Information collected through third-party tools is gathered directly by such third party, not by WTiN, and is subject to the third party's applicable privacy policy.

Period of Grace

Should you request that we amend or suppress records containing your Personal Data we will endeavour to do so promptly; however, you may receive communications for a transitional period whilst we process your records.

Correcting and Updating Your Information

If you are a registered user or subscriber to, you can access your account information and make corrections or updates upon log-in. The accuracy of such information is solely your responsibility. You may also separately contact us to request access to other PII about you which is in our possession. If you request to deactivate your account or delete your PII, we will endeavour to fulfil your request, but some PII may persist in backup copies for a certain period of time and may be retained as necessary for legitimate business purposes or to comply with our legal obligations.

Disclosure of your information

In addition to the disclosures reasonably necessary for the purposes identified elsewhere in this privacy policy, we may disclose information about you:

  1. To the extent that we are required to do so by law;
  2. In connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings;
  3. In order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk);
  4. To the purchaser (or prospective purchaser) of any business or asset which we are selling (or are contemplating selling); and
  5. To any holding or subsidiary company of WTiN (as may exist from time to time). Except as provided in this privacy policy, we will not provide your information to third parties.

International Data Transfers

Data we collect may be transferred to, stored and processed in any country or territory where one or more of WTiN service providers are based or have facilities. While other countries or territories may not have the same standards of data protection as those in your home country, we will continue to protect personal data that we transfer in line with this privacy policy.

Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the UK, we ensure similar protection and put in place at least one of these safeguards:

We will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been found to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data.

We may also use approved contracts that use Standard Contractual Clauses for the protection of personal data where appropriate, with our service providers based in countries outside the UK. These contracts give your personal data the same protection it has in the UK.

WTiN (or our service providers) may process your Personal Data in countries other than your country of residence, whose data protection laws may not be as extensive as in the UK and the European Union. However, we have taken appropriate steps to ensure the same level of protection for the processing carried out in those countries as within the UK and the European Union.

If you are not situated in the UK or the European Union whilst using the website, information which you provide shall be transferred from a country (such as the United States and Japan) which does not have data protection laws equivalent to those in force in the UK and European Union. You expressly agree to such transfers.

Choice of two notice of changes

  1. How does WTiN publicise changes to its Privacy Policy?
  2. We will update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by means of a notice on this website prior to the changes becoming effective, or by email (sent to the e-mail address specified in your account) prior to the changes becoming effective.
  3. Changes to the Privacy Policy are effective immediately upon publication for new Visitors, Customers and Customer Business Contacts. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.

Will WTiN ever change this Privacy Policy?

We're constantly trying to improve our Products so we may need to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Please note that if you have opted not to receive direct marketing from us, you may still receive necessary service updates. If you haven’t provided us with your email address, those legal notices will still govern your use of the Products, and you are still responsible for reading and understanding them. Please check back regularly for any updates to this Privacy Policy.